Data Tech Startups Need Cutting Edge PR
Communicating how new technology works can be a challenge. It’s even more challenging if the new tech you’re trying to…
Big Data Cuts Funding Barriers for Cryptocurrency Startups
Demand for cryptocurrencies continues to surge. One industry pundit has recently gone so far as to claim that the value…
How Bitcoin Unexpectedly Improved the Integrity of Big Data
SmartDataCollective has published several thousand articles on impact of big data. Most of the articles focus on the changes big…
Where Fintech Is Headed in 2018
Does it seem too soon to bring up the fate of fintech in 2018? For companies whose entire livelihood depends…
Is Blockchain Making the Cryptocurrency Market More Efficient?
It has been nearly nine years since the anonymous hacker going by the name Satoshi Nakamoto invented the bitcoin currency.…
An Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to BlockChain [Infographic]
A big reason the internet is booming as an avenue for trade and commerce is because it is so convenient.…
How Blockchain Will Redefine Social Media Marketing (And How to Prepare)
Blockchain is the technology that tracks and authenticates cryptocurrency transactions. Many other industries have started adopting blockchain as well, including…